Monday, September 5, 2022

Welcome to the NexGen Horror Movie and online Store. Help yourself to fiction or fantasy. That's the norm now, right. We can’t do business the way we used to. So we use technology at an acceptable cost of a few to serve the majority. Bring on the web services and the digital divide as the next generation takes over.

And now that we've taken this unhealthy leap into this fantastic, emotionally-supercharged frenzy of media where caring too much leads fits of rage and labeling, we glance over our shoulders to see the abandoned angels that haven't taken sides yet. I'm told they alone are incapable of preventing machine-induced, group-think, Frankenstein mentality take over by pseudo-humanoid, next generator lord-bastard-bot like some kind of fear feeding, research marketing experiment gone wrong. How did these machines get designed so the puppet masters could rub salt into our emotional scars to really figure out what makes us tick? What principle from the Holocaust did we bankrupt? What insider threat has become so prevalent that we can't help but scrape up dirt when scratching the surface? How do we regulate radio broadcast news from tales considering our history mismanaging alien invasions and election results?

My first thought is, stop being complacent to this trail of bread crumbs our cell phones leave behind us so we can go ".... gall-ant-ly strea-ming" through our daily "ruin-teens", a.k.a., minimizing teenage suicide and depression. And why wouldn't they be depressed as they watch adults go from Jekyll and Hyde on cue. We're in danger of becoming a great, big massive ball of distracted, miserable folk who can’t focus on being in the moment, loving and available to each other because of, (eye shift) "them". The more we use, the more we lose. And as the pace increases, so does our reliance on the blinders we so aptly fitted ourselves with, like we're work horses, never looking around, just straight ahead on that wellness tight rope we call work-life balance. Who knew the biggest threat to our vulnerable teens and seniors was, and is...ourselves. WE are the ones that mindlessly use to lose. So how do we pick an alternative? By educating ourselves on how this cellphone, personized, self-help ecosystem slowly desensitizes the human we think we are into this creepy actor others see plainly. It can take over personalities as ill-fated self-will, causing wholesome, "decent" people to act in ways they never would or could have imagined or to even worship false Gods. Talk about a horror story of complacency. 

If we break our mindset from this notion we need cell phone services as they are marketed today, noticing how they color our sense of self through inner-space, we begin regaining control of what belongs to us and not the company app store. We are much more than the bits they assemble as our 360 avatar. But unless we're sensitive to that, we lose it all to the creeps.