Monday, September 5, 2022

Welcome to the NexGen Horror Movie and online Store. Help yourself to fiction or fantasy. That's the norm now, right. We can’t do business the way we used to. So we use technology at an acceptable cost of a few to serve the majority. Bring on the web services and the digital divide as the next generation takes over.

And now that we've taken this unhealthy leap into this fantastic, emotionally-supercharged frenzy of media where caring too much leads fits of rage and labeling, we glance over our shoulders to see the abandoned angels that haven't taken sides yet. I'm told they alone are incapable of preventing machine-induced, group-think, Frankenstein mentality take over by pseudo-humanoid, next generator lord-bastard-bot like some kind of fear feeding, research marketing experiment gone wrong. How did these machines get designed so the puppet masters could rub salt into our emotional scars to really figure out what makes us tick? What principle from the Holocaust did we bankrupt? What insider threat has become so prevalent that we can't help but scrape up dirt when scratching the surface? How do we regulate radio broadcast news from tales considering our history mismanaging alien invasions and election results?

My first thought is, stop being complacent to this trail of bread crumbs our cell phones leave behind us so we can go ".... gall-ant-ly strea-ming" through our daily "ruin-teens", a.k.a., minimizing teenage suicide and depression. And why wouldn't they be depressed as they watch adults go from Jekyll and Hyde on cue. We're in danger of becoming a great, big massive ball of distracted, miserable folk who can’t focus on being in the moment, loving and available to each other because of, (eye shift) "them". The more we use, the more we lose. And as the pace increases, so does our reliance on the blinders we so aptly fitted ourselves with, like we're work horses, never looking around, just straight ahead on that wellness tight rope we call work-life balance. Who knew the biggest threat to our vulnerable teens and seniors was, and is...ourselves. WE are the ones that mindlessly use to lose. So how do we pick an alternative? By educating ourselves on how this cellphone, personized, self-help ecosystem slowly desensitizes the human we think we are into this creepy actor others see plainly. It can take over personalities as ill-fated self-will, causing wholesome, "decent" people to act in ways they never would or could have imagined or to even worship false Gods. Talk about a horror story of complacency. 

If we break our mindset from this notion we need cell phone services as they are marketed today, noticing how they color our sense of self through inner-space, we begin regaining control of what belongs to us and not the company app store. We are much more than the bits they assemble as our 360 avatar. But unless we're sensitive to that, we lose it all to the creeps.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Do you have to be "alike" to be LIKED?

 “What is a friend?” King asked Lanza.

“It is difficult to define — in whose culture do you refer?’’ the boy answered, robotically.       


DEC. 9, 2018


I recently went on Google and looked for Lessons Learned from the Sandy Hook incident. And, being an advocate for spreading the awareness technology has on behavior, I was not surprised by the results of what I was seeing. Most everything pointed to had little explanation for a motive with the exception of the article cited above.

And I remember hearing on sources while driving to work all the ridiculous arguments resisting the truths behind this unfortunate foot print on our American psyche. What is it that denies what seems so obvious to me, that we actually breed extremism through a digital culture? Anyone who knows and appreciates the value the military places on memory-muscle conditioning through simulations and cyber-saturation to train knows this is a threat when it is used without deliberate intent as entertainment. Keeping a grip on what is made real through the power of suggestion brings a new plateau to the damage competing interests take in grooming consumers. We've made a science of flirting with the bliss point so that addiction becomes part of the user experience on-line.

My first experience objecting to ways modern technology impacts human behavior occurred while pushing back against fraudulent scammers going after my Mother. She was quickly becoming prey as a vulnerable adult. She had fallen when her contributions to several charitable organizations had most likely bought her way into some kind of consumer and personal “mosaic” profile. Digital mosaics are means to synthetically gather and build an alternate object or reality, such as  a consumer dashboard. She was targeted by the lowest scum that inhabit the darkest corners of the planet. They could calculate her weakness and play her, much like the tactics used for espionage. The strategy goes, use flattery and insincerity to lure the subject in. Then after the objective is achieved, dispose or continue to exploit to extremes.

It’s unfortunate that many of the mechanism being broadly used now to deliver media content actually leverage this same approach and, in my estimation breeds behaviors for extremism. And, to make it worse, local governments throw Public Service Announcements and community information updates into the blurred realities of opinion on Social Media forums creating dissention. Think about it.

If all you ever subscribe to reinforces only what you believe and negates everything else, what is healthy and balanced about that? Yet we have a thriving BIG TECH economy that sacrifices the most vulnerable and garners power. The engine goes like this; the more content is channeled to the consumer, the more emotions play the vulnerable, alliances prevent competition and distribution of wealth is reduced to a select few. Look at our current marketplace.

It’s called 360 degree profiling, data anonymization, and many other things used to gather and “sanitize” data of personally identifiable information to predict numbers, like the data sets needed to track the spread of COVID. But often times analytics allows for the reversal of these safety guards to protect personal consumer data and exploits vulnerabilities in those "targets" trailing a digital wake in their path.

And to circle back around at the quote at the beginning of this discussion, what does it mean to be a friend? And what can we infer from the word culture in this context? I know from personal experience that alliances are a way to monopolize. More “friends” in a digital culture increases the likelihood of an alternative reality made real by synthesis in a mind's eye. In terms of interactive media and tools, this does not always lead to an augmented or value-added reality, but instead a tipping point with tragic ends like these.

With a unified, yet fractured American landscape, can anyone agree the rewards in how we currently market technology outweigh the costs? If we include suicide by cop into our understanding of the tipping point, like much of analytics, trends becomes transparent when clusters of emotions and triggers rise to the surface. Our insistence that these mass or active shooters have no common denominator is the first step we need to resolve in keeping our promise to the Next Generation.

US Department of Health and Human Services Workshop on "Creepy Data":

Privacy and Health Research in a Data-Driven World (

TED Talk on marketing digital culture extremism, marketing and emotions:

Friday, November 15, 2019

The following link is reason to get involved:
Putting politics aside, we need to reverse the damage caused by irresponsible media like hate rhetoric and shock radio.
I am trying to launch a state-wide program for what I call Responsible Media. This includes includes modernization of infrastructure that promote micro-grid distributed power to protect resilient communities by building partnerships.
FEMA “culture of preparedness”, National Mitigation Framework (
In terms of public safety and preparation, what I am working on could avoid significant costs down the road. My focus is media and the distribution of information management systems that drives behaviors and consumer choice.
Environmental health and safety organizations talk about Green engineering or policy controls in infrastructure to conserve, protect, and avoid risk. But what they often don’t emphasize is how damaging multi-media marketing and privacy comprises impact human efficacy. This digital landscape is too complicated for representatives to fathom, no less control in terms of culture and effect. So what is human efficacy? Simply stated, the ability of one to use or develop their talents to thrive and impact others by intelligent means, while giving purpose to their energies.
To talk Green policies and not include cultures is a huge mistake and the main reason market scale and penetration has not been supported for solar solutions.
As the mechanisms that drive our economy cause momentum into new lifestyles and market choices, safeguards for consumer protection are minimized. This leads to a marketplace where reckless abandon for corporate regulatory policies rule, consumer regeneration of self control deflates and big interests dominate market share.
It’s a common trend that as new technology emerges, the effects can go to extremes, only to force corrections to restore normalcy. We see that in the call for leaders to reign in on corporate excesses, like FaceBook and Amazon.
There is so much more I am doing to work this matter with much more to develop. I could use your support.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Highway turbulence wasted?


                Harvesting Highway Turbulence and the Opportunity to Conserve

“By acting now, future generations may be more apt to applaud our efforts to shape an innovative and secure energy economy than to criticize our unwillingness to change.”

                                                       Joshua Prok, Interstate Wind: Using New Technology to Enhance 2008


Smart interstate highway infrastructure. Are we putting provisions into our roads and highways that could support our (common wealth) basic needs? Provide jobs locally? Where future nano tech /micro generators can harvest highway turbulence (Parasitic Catalyst) and generate electricity on-demand to neighborhoods where they serve now and in the future?

If we take the bad with the good, does that mean when residents tolerate the drone of traffic, they can take satisfaction knowing that same buzz is responsible for a sizable offset on their electrical bill? Or communities reap big benefits in leasing out these distributed-dynamos to large conglomerates in congested metropolitan areas. Not to mention the impact telemetry and web-centric services embedded into roads would have in preparing for disasters or support emergency communications in times of crisis? 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

LED on the street

Proposal for case study
LED for street lighting
The Agriculture Museum has a new LED street light with a stand-alone solar power station for lighting the corner of a remote intersection in Flagler County, Florida. According to local authority, the expense of installing street lights by the local utility made the selection of a self-sustaining station and natural choice.
Further, it is the focus of this discussion as to what are the current barriers that prevent the marketplace from promoting solutions like this so that the advantage bulk purchasing power and economies of scale determine alternative energy penetration into the market share.
According to a local expert, the insurance industry limits the utility company as to what devices are suitable in the application of street lighting. It’s the quality and integrity of the light radiation or emission that determines the viability of a product for public safety and use. Simply put, the current LED beam patterns illuminating an area are not considered adequate as defined by regulatory mandate.
Is it really that critical to public safety? Or is it a matter of technology and information advancing quicker than public policy.
According to another embedded stakeholder “There is a chance that the current legislation and insurance guidelines do not touch on these emerging technologies and make it a barrier for this kind of enterprise. It’s a matter of public policy lagging the pace of technology.”
So without catalysis this transition has stalled? What does it take to change public policy so that this venture is suitable? If you take the federal or state regulatory element from this equation, its obvious LED lighting is a no-nonsense solution to energy conservation.
I spoke with an associate of a popular surf shop in on a recent trip to Florida Solar Energy Center in world famous Cocoa Beach. She told me their outfit has retrofitted their operations outside lighting with LED.
The quest at this point is to:
1.       Identify the legislative constraint or code that may be the root of this barrier.
a.       Maybe speak with someone in South Daytona about their new acquisition of their FPL region and see what they know about this prospect.
b.      Ask key members about this topic.
2.       Better understand what the smart grid is and whether secondary passive power generation features are planned for and being implemented during repair or replacement in the future.

Backup for PEP stations candidate for improvement

Pretreatment Effluent Pumping System or PEP systems are a prime candidate for micro-grid applications. As part of the Freaky Eden mentality, why would the City of Palm Coast not want to take the first leap into the smart grid frontier and find some tax incentives or other means for rural grant funding to begin the planning of standalone, micro-grid infrastructure with evident value during disaster or hurricane? These standalone stations can eventually be integrated into distribution points to create a redundant electrical microcosm throughout vulnerable neighborhoods.